Member features:
- AJAX: crea8SOCIAL make use of ajax technology to speedup your website
- Live chat, Real time Notification, comments
- Photos, Photo Albums : give your members to upload photos with albums
- News Feed : Display posts from people you are following and who you have as friends
- Profile timeline: Display your posts on your personal profile
- Events: Movies, location,Musics, Games, Photos. e.t.c
- Share: Share posts from others to your timeline and friends
- #Hashtags: Use #hashtags in your posts, comments e.t.c
- Trending topics: This display what’s hot to your member base on the hottest #hashtags
- Likes: Like posts, pages
- Pages:Create fan page, allow your friends and followers to like it
- Follow:Follow celebrities, popular people to get there messages
- Message System: Send private messages to your friends and also set privacy for who send you message
- Community:Create communities, invite your friends to join, you can create both private and public communities
- Community categories:Create different categories for your community
- Games: Let your members play games, add games, likes games, e.t.c
- @Mention:Mention your friends in a post, or @mention somebody to send a message to the person
- Post with: When you are with your friend, let your other friends know about that when you are posting
- Link Preview: when you post links, details like title,description are pull and displayed
- Invite Friends: Invite friends with there emails, with record, so once they joinm they will be added to your friends list
- Account activation You can prevent bad accounts through verification
- …..Much more
Admin Features
- Manage Users: Manage your members, edit there details,delete, and verify anyone of them
- Manage Pages: Manage pages your member created, verify anyone of them
- Create categories: create different categories for pages, games e.t.c
- Manage translations: Add more language translations
- Reports:Manage reports by your members
- Helps: Create helps for your members
- NewsLetter: Send mail to all members or certain members
- Manage Themes: Manage themes
- Post text: set maximum post text character in posts
- Enable emoticons: Enable/Disable emoticons
- Custom Fields: Create custom fields for profile, pages, communities, and games
- Validate Users: Validate new users if this is turn on
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