Wednesday, October 30, 2013

DezCrypt FUD Crypter! (Fully undectable)

What Is Crypter?
Crypter is a  software used to hide our viruses, keyloggers or tools from antiviruses so that they are not detected by anti viruses. Thus, a crypter is a program that allow users to crypt the source code of their program to Bypass antivirus detection

What Does UD And FUD Mean?
UD means undetected, so only a few antivirus programs detect it. FUD means fully undetected, so no antivirus detects it

I have already given you a Free FUD Crypter which is outdated now, So today i will give you a free FUD Crypter (fully undetectable by anti viruses ) with which you can crypt any keyloggers or viruses

[Image: a.png]

The password of mediafire link is "dezired"

Download Link


1 comment:

  1. Please guve me a n email where i can contact you bro i need to buy fud crypter Thanks


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