Sunday, February 16, 2014

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Sunday, February 9, 2014

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Start Buying It Now Before They Stop It :). Clone - The Global Broadband Speed Test Script | 32,04 MB

The ultimate fully customizable Speed Test application for your website. Easy to install and ready in a few minutes. Measures bandwidth up to Gb/s. Test statistics database, advanced VoIP test and much more are available.

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Tuesday, February 4, 2014

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Wfuzz is a tool designed for bruteforcing Web Applications, it can be used for finding resources not linked (directories, servlets, scripts, etc), bruteforce GET and POST parameters for checking different kind of injections (SQL, XSS, LDAP,etc), bruteforce Forms parameters (User/Password), Fuzzing,etc.
It's very flexible, here are some functionalities:
  • Multiple Injection points capability with multiple dictionaries
  • Recursion (When doing directory bruteforce)
  • Post, headers and authentication data brute forcing
  • Output to HTML
  • Colored output
  • Hide results by return code, word numbers, line numbers, regex.
  • Cookies fuzzing
  • Multi threading
  • Proxy support
  • SOCK support
  • Time delays between requests
  • Authentication support (NTLM, Basic)
  • All parameters bruteforcing (POST and GET)
  • Multiple encoders per payload
  • Payload combinations with iterators
  • Baseline request (to filter results against)
  • Brute force HTTP methods
  • Multiple proxy support (each request through a different proxy)
  • HEAD scan (faster for resource discovery)
  • Dictionaries tailored for known applications (Weblogic, Iplanet, Tomcat, Domino, Oracle 9i, Vignette, Coldfusion and many more. (Many dictionaries are from Darkraver's Dirb,

  • Payloads:
    • File
    • List
    • hexrand
    • range
    • names
    • hexrange
  • Encodings:
    • random_uppercase
    • urlencode
    • binary_ascii
    • base64
    • double_nibble_hex
    • uri_hex
    • sha1
    • md5
    • double_urlencode
    • utf8
    • utf8_binary
    • html
    • html decimal
    • custom
    • many more...
  • Iterators:
    • Product
    • Zip
    • Chain

Basic example

Basic example

 Download Link:-

SpearPhisher is a simple point and click Windows GUI tool designed for (mostly) non-technical people who would like to supplement the education and awareness aspect of their information security program.  Not only is it useful to non-technical folks, penetration testers may find it handy for sending quick and easy ad-hoc phishing emails.  The tool supports specifying different sending names and email addresses, multiple recipients via TO, CC, BCC, and allows bulk loading with one recipient email address per line in a file.  It allows customization of the subject, adding one attachment, and SSL support for SMTP enabled mail servers.  One of the popular features with our client is the WYSIWYG HTML editor that allows virtually anyone to use the tool; previewing results as you point and click edit your malicious email body.  If you want to add custom XSS exploits, client side attacks, or other payloads such as a Java Applet code generated by the Social Engineer Toolkit (SET), its split screen editor allows more advanced users to edit HTML directly.

An open relay is not necessarily required as many mail servers allow authenticated users to spoof email.  This is the beta release of the tool and has been tested in limited environments.

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This lightweight yet powerful application extracts IPs and ports from a list of specified websites. If you are in need of multiple proxies simply insert the desired website URLs and with a single click your proxies are gathered and presented to you in the output window, ready to be copied and saved.

  • Scraping multiple IP and Ports from alist of websites
  • Copy the scraped result into the clipboard

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VirusTotal Scan:-

IP Proxy Scraper for Windows

IP Proxy Scraper for Linux

- Fixed the status counter

- Extended the recognition patterns
- Fixed two patterns
- Importing bigger textfiles are now beeing processed without freezing the UI

- Extended the recognition patterns

- Fixed minor bug
- Added more recognition patterns
- Added option to view a list of succeeded and failed websites from which it tried to scrape

- Optimized code
- fixed minor bugs
- Added cancelation for the scraping process

- Fixed minor bugs
- Added more recognition patterns

- Fixed multiple bugs
- Added more recognition patterns of encodet proxys

- Optimized code
- Redesigned the UI
- Added about dialog

Version 1.0
- Initial release
This article by Drunkadmin had hit the front pages of Digg . It gives a good idea on optimizing web pages that will definitely increase a website's loading time. Host Images And Files Somewhere Else
Many users online at the same time can cause your server to handle a lot of requests. Its best that if you are using images in your site, make sure you upload them to image host sites like ImageShack . This will greatly reduce the bandwidth used by your server and also make your blog faster as image upload sites have a better speed.
Best place to host files of sizes 2-5mb (Any thing you need to provide users for download) is to use Google Pages as your host.
Optimize Your CSS
Nowadays many sites have started to use CSS based formatting. Even if Style Sheets are naturally more efficient than HTML tables you can still optimize the CSS code to make your website cleaner and faster. Having a clean CSS can reduce the time taken by the clients browser to decode your site.
Manual Clean Try to locate dispersed code and aggregate it together.
For example instead of margin- top: 20px;
margin-right: 10px;
margin-bottom: 20px;
margin-left: 10 px; Write margin: 20 px 10 px 20 px 10px; You can use the tool Clean CSS to optimize your CSS and remove useless property declaration and whitespaces. Optimize Your Images
Use image formats such as PNG, JPG,/JPEG And GIF. Always use the "Save for web" image quality which is available in most softwares such as Adobe Photoshop.
Use Height/Width Tag In Images
Most people dont add hieght and width tag to images. These tags make sure that the browser knows the dimensions of images before it has completed downloading the image. If the browser does not see those tags it will need to figure the size of the image, then load the image and then load the rest of the page.
When the height and width tags are included the browser will automatically know the size of the image. As a consequence it will be able to hold a place for the image and load the rest of the page simultaneously. Apart from the improvement on the load time of the page this method is also more user friendly since the visitor can start reading the text or other information while the image is being downloaded. Use Less Javascript!
Some people tend to add a lot of javascript effects to their site. Using excessive javascript animations may cause clients browser to freeze for some time annoying the user.
Optimize Links
Make sure that the outlinks from your blog and link between posts are optimized well. For example if link is make sure you write it as to prevent one extra request which would be made to the server if the former link is used.
The improvement on the loading time of links ending with a slash will not be astronomical, but when it comes to speeding up a website every small bit helps!
Reduce HTTP Requests To Server
When opening a web page every object (images, scripts and the line) will require a round trip to the server. This latency can add several seconds to the load time of your site. Make sure to reduce the number of objects and to combine CSS files and scripts together.
This tip is absolutely and completely useless, and will even make applications that depend on timestamps have issues. It's mostly just to be used as a cool trick you can show off to your friends, so we're going to show you how it works. The way this trick works is by modifying the regional settings for the time format. Instead of using just AM or PM, you can put up to 12 characters of text in that field.
Start by opening Regional and Language Options from the start menu search box or the control panel.
On the Formats tab you'll see the "Customize this format" button, which you'll need to choose.
Select the Time tab, and then here's where we can make whatever settings we want.
I chose to set mine to "AM - Geek" so I could still see AM or PM, but you can choose any 12 characters for either field. Keep in mind that the PM symbol is only going to display during the "PM" hours. This does change more than just the displayed clock, so I'd advise not using this on a computer you do actual work on. Using the F5 key in notepad shows the "Geek" text as well:
It's one of those things that's interesting to know... just not very useful. It does work in XP as well.
Download – Invest In Me – CodeCanyon

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Download Nulled Scripts – Agriya Burrow – Decoded Dezended Decrypt
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Download – Gravity Forms v1.7.11 Developer
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Download – ExpressionEngine v2.7.1 Build 20130924 – Ellislab
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Monday, February 3, 2014

HostBill 4.9.2 – Download Nulled Scripts

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 Download – Koobi Shop v7.32 – Null Script
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Download – PhpFox Community Edition v3.7.2 
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Download – IP Board v3.4.3 – UPDATED 13.09.2013 – Null Scripts 
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Download – PES Pro v1.9.6 – Powerful Exchange System PRO Nulled 
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Download Zeeauctions – Ebay Clone Auction PHP Script Software Nulled Scripts 
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Sunday, February 2, 2014

Here is an interesting command prompt hack .You can hide, assign, delete etc. disk partition in few steps.
1.Select Start , then Run , in Run option type cmd. (or  start->All Programs->Accessories->Command Prompt)
2.In Command Prompt (cmd) type DISKPART

3. Then type LIST VOLUME, after this you will get an partition  overview, as shown below
4. Type SELECT VOLUME (number) , press ENTER on keyboard, then type  REMOVE LETTER (letter )as shown below
5.After this disk partition will be hidden. How to return disk partition? Easy, just type ASSIGN LETTER (letter), as shown beloww
With Command Prompt (cmd) , you can manipulate  disk partition. Here is list of possibility:
Most of the computers that have public access to people has Command Prompt blocked. This is for security reasons. Some time you  may want to view hidden files in the public computer using command prompt (in case Folder options settings is not available). Lack of Command Prompt will be great loss of if you want to hack in to the networking or the same pc.
There are several tweaks and hacks to enable command prompt, but it is so much tricky. I am introducing you with a nice alternative for command prompt.
Have a look at the screenshot. It supports all the features that Command Prompt does. Even all the wild cards that can be used in DOS(Disk Operating System).

Click Here To Download
It is actually a DOS Shell, which interpets user command same as in DOS.
Hack Administrative pass

This is a short and effective way to recovery your Windows Login password without knowing the previous password. This trick works only in case you are already logged into Windows and you have all the administrative privileges. So here we go:
1.Open Command prompt
password Recovery
Type in; cmd

2. In command prompt just type in “net user” as shown below:

3.After doing the above, the command will give you all the account’s names>
password recovery
4. So the next thing you do is just type in: net user YourUser NewPass
password recovery
…now just log off from Windows and try to log back in with your new password


Your Android gadgets are the most important things in your life. It contains all your important contacts and information. If you lose your equipment, you will be losing all those sweet memories with the photos and video. But there is some good news to android phone/tablet users, you can now easily find or at least know where your missing phone is with or without using android application.
Let’s first look at the way of finding your lost phone which doesn’t contain any app installed on it.

Use the IMEI Number

Every android phone carries a unique IMEI number (International Mobile Equipment Identity Number). It will be printed at the back of your device. If you are unable to find the number, you have to launch your phone app and dial the number *#06#. This will give you the IMEI number of your phone. Store this number in a safe place so that it helps you in locating your phone when it is lost.
When you file a complaint, this number has to be added in the report. Your service provider uses this number to track your phone and tell you where it is. No matter if the person using the phone is using a different SIM card or has switched off the phone. Once the device is traced, you can request your service provider to block it from using.
This is one of the easy ways of locating your lost Android phone or tablet.

Plan B

Another way of tracking your lost Android gdget in no time is through Plan B app. This app does not require you to install any recovery software previously but still helps in finding your lost phone. All you need to do is log on to your Google play account. Lookout mobile security offers free software called Plan B. Download the software from play store to your phone. This will be possible only if your phone is within the Internet coverage area. Wait for some time and then send the keyword “locate” without the quotes through SMS to your phone. And a map showing where your equipment is will be sent to your Gmail account. This app is very much useful in situations where you don’t have IMEI number.
If you have installed and configured any of these below android software previously, there is good chance of finding it.
You can log on to Google Play store > My Android Apps, on your computer and check if you have installed any of the following apps previously.

Lookout Security and Antivirus

Lookout is the best android app for security and antivirus. So far, it has received millions of downloads. Just recall if you have installed this on your phone.
If you have activated the option “Missing Device” in this app, it is easy to find your device. If you have also enabled “Signal Flare” option, you can trace the last known location of your android device. This is helpful in case your phone battery is dead or tablet is switched off.
Now sign in Lookout to locate your device. The map shows the location of your phone. If you are at a short distance from the tablet, you can choose Scream option to make a loud noise to find it.

Android Device Manager

Google has recently released a new locator feature for Android gadgets called Android Device manager, which helps its users locate their lost or stolen phones and tablets. It functions in the same way as Lookout and Samsung’s “Find My Mobile”. Here’s how to use Android Device Manager.
Go to the Google Settings app, then select Android device manager. By default the locator feature is activated but to activate remove data wipe, select the box next to “Allow remote factory reset”, then select “activate”.
To use this feature, open the site and sign in to your Google account. You may be prompted for permission to allow Android Device Manager to use location data. Select the Accept tab to continue.
Now you will be provided with a map that shows the location of your device along with other details such as the name of the place, when it was last used and more. The location data doesn’t help you if your phone is misplaced somewhere in your home. Instead of making a call to your phone using other’s phone, you can call your phone directly from Android Device Manager. This will make your device to ring with high volume for 5 minutes, even if it’s in silent or vibrate mode.
One feature that is missing in Android Device Manager is remote locking, which can be useful in preventing a stranger from accessing your data, while you’re tracking its location.
Apart from these, there are other apps such as Android Lost, Where do My Droid and GadgetTrak that help you in finding your lost Android phone/Tablet.

This post will show you how to hack Windows administrator password at times when you forget it or when you want to gain access to a computer for which you do not know the password.

Most of us have experienced a situation where in we need to gain access to a computer which is password protected or at times we may forget the administrator password without which it becomes impossible to log in to the computer. So, if you are somewhat in a same kind of situation, here is an excellent hack using which you can reset the password or make the password empty (remove the password) so that you can gain administrator access to the computer.

Hacking the Windows Admin Password:

You can do this with a small tool called  Offline NT Password & Registry Editor. This utility works offline, that means you need to shut down your computer and boot off your using a floppy disk, CD or USB device (such as pen drive). The tool has the following features:
  • You do not need to know the old password to set a new one.
  • This tool can detect and unlock locked or disabled out user accounts!
  • There is also a registry editor and other registry utilities that works under linux/unix, and can be used for other things than password editing.

How it Works?

Most Windows operating systems stores the login passwords and other encrypted passwords in a file called sam (Security Accounts Manager). This file can be usually found in \windows\system32\config. This file is a part of Windows registry and remains inaccessible as long as the OS is active. Hence, it is necessary that you boot off your computer and access this sam file via the boot menu. This tool intelligently gains access to this file and will reset/remove the password associated with administrator or any other account.
The download link for both CD and floppy drives along with the complete instructions is given below:
It is recommended that you download the CD version of the tool since the floppy drive is outdated or doesn’t exist in today’s computer. After the download, you’ll get a bootable image which you need to burn it onto a blank CD. Now, boot your computer from this CD and follow the screen instructions to reset the password.

Another Simple Way to Reset Non-Administrator Account Passwords:

Here is another simple way through which you can reset the password of any non-administrator accounts. The only requirement for this is that you need to have administrator privileges. Here is a step-by-step instruction to accomplish this task:
  1. Open the command prompt (Start -> Run -> type cmd -> Enter)
  2. Now type net user and hit Enter
  3. Now the system will show you a list of user accounts on the computer. Say for example, you need to reset the password of the account by name John, then do as follows:
  4. Type net user John * and hit Enter. Now, the system will ask you to enter the new password for the account. That’s it. Now you’ve successfully reset the password for John without knowing his old password.
So, in this way you can reset the password of any Windows account at times when you forget it so that you need not re-install your OS for any reason. I hope this helps.
You Can Easily Crack Password Protected .zip, .rar and .ace Files by Following These Steps:

1. Download ZIP-RAR-ACE-Password-Recovery .

2. Now Install and  open it.

3. Copy the License Code given in Readme.txt.

4. Now click on Browse and Then Select the password protected file.
5. Now Click on Start and Password will be Recovered.
download (1)


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